
University of California, Los Angeles USA • 2021 — Present

Ph.D. student at CS Department

University of Southern California, USA • 2020 — 2021

Ph.D. student at CS Department (Transferred out)

Tsinghua University, China • 2016 — 2020

Bachelor of Engineering (Automation), Minor in Finance, Exchange student @ NTU Singapore


AI2, Seattle, WA • Jun 2023 — Sep 2023

Research Intern @ Mosaic Team; Advisor: Faeze Brahman and Ronan Le Bras
Creative problem solving.

Amazon Alexa AI, Sunnyvale, CA • Jun 2022 — Sep 2022

Applied Scientist Intern; Advisor: Anjali Narayan-Chen and Shereen Oraby
Melody-to-Lyrics generation.

Information Science Institute, USC, Los Angeles, CA • Jul 2019 — Sep 2019

Undergraduate Research Assistant; Advisor: Nanyun Peng and Fred Morstatter
Identifying cultural differences through multi-lingual wikipedia.

Singapore Management University, Singapore • Aug 2018 — Dec 2018

Undergraduate Research Assistant; Advisor: Jianfei Yu and Jing Jiang
Review summarization with typed decoders.


2023, Amazon Fellowship

2021, George Bekey Fellow

USC Viterbi fellowship top-off

2019, Dengfeng Scholarship

top 2% awarded for distinction in Information Technology

2015, Intel Outstanding Award on Computer Science

awarded by Intel Corporation at CASTIC (top 2/1500 = 0.0013%)



  1. My MacGyver - Are Large Language Models Creative Problem Solvers?

  2. Yufei Tian, Abhilasha Ravichander, Lianhui Qin, Ronan Le Bras, Raja Marjieh, Nanyun Peng, Yejin Choi, Thomas L. Griffiths, Faeze Brahman. NAACL 2024.
  3. Harnessing Black-Box Control to Boost Commonsense in LM's Generation

  4. Yufei Tian, Felix Zhang, Nanyun Peng. EMNLP 2023
  5. Evaluating Large Language Models on Controlled Generation Tasks

  6. Jiao Sun*, Yufei Tian*, Wangchunshu Zhou*, Nan Xu* (equal contribution), Qian Hu, Rahul Gupta, John Wieting, Nanyun Peng, and Xuezhe Ma. EMNLP 2023
  7. Unsupervised Melody-to-Lyric Generation

  8. Yufei Tian, Anjali Narayan-Chen, Shereen Oraby, Alessandra Cervone, Gunnar Sigurdsson, Chenyang Tao, Wenbo Zhao, Tagyoung Chung, Jing Huang, and Nanyun Peng. ACL 2023
  9. A Unified Framework for Pun Generation with Humor Principles

  10. Yufei Tian, Divyanshu Arun Sheth, and Nanyun Peng. Findings of EMNLP 2022
  11. Zero-shot Sonnet Generation with Discourse-level Planning and Aesthetics Features

  12. Yufei Tian and Nanyun Peng. NAACL 2022
  13. Go Back in Time - Generating Flashbacks in Stories with Event Plots and Temporal Prompts

  14. Rujun Han, Hong Chen, Yufei Tian, and Nanyun Peng NAACL 2022
  15. AmbiPun - Generating Humorous Puns with Ambiguous Context

  16. Anirudh Mittal*, Yufei Tian* (equal contribution), and Nanyun Peng NAACL 2022
  17. Paraphrase Generation as Unsupervised Machine Translation

  18. Xiaofei Sun, Yufei Tian, Yuxian Meng, Nanyun Peng, Fei Wu, Jiwei Li, and Chun Fan COLING 2022
  19. HypoGen - Hyperbole Generation with Commonsense and Counterfactual Knowledge

  20. Yufei Tian, Arvind krishna Sridhar, and Nanyun Peng. Findings of EMNLP 2021
  21. Identifying Cultural Differences through Multi-Lingual Wikipedia

  22. Yufei Tian, Tuhin Chakrabarty, Fred Morstatter, and Nanyun Peng. SocialNLP@NAACL2021
  23. Aspect and Opinion Aware Abstractive Review Summarization with Reinforced Hard Typed Decoder

  24. Yufei Tian, Jianfei Yu and Jing Jiang. CIKM 2019


Classical Music - I was a french horn player in the awesome and long-established Tsinghua University Symphonic Band.

Sports - I have been playing tennis for over 15 years. Besides, I was the keeper of Tsinghua University Women Cricket Team in 2018 when we won a runner-up in Beijing!